Social media marketing for brand growth

Scitecs helps creating strong brand communities on social media platforms to generate
more leads and increase sales.

affordable social media marketing agency

Social media marketing for brand growth

Social media marketing services

Social media strategy

We build social media strategies based on your marketing and business goals, Buyer Personas, your competitors’ positioning and your brand identity.

Social media management

We keep a consistent style of publications, create authentic engaging content, work with negotiations, and form a community for regular communication.

Optimization and reporting

We track results to optimize strategies and budget reallocation for the most effective marketing activities. We are confident expertise with a clear guaranteed reporting system.

Social selling

We increase sales through ads, remarketing lists and selling content.

Influential marketing

We collaborate with “Opinion leaders” that can influence public opinion and represent companies to their buyer personas.

Results you get with SCITECS

Strong brand community

Increased number of leads and sales

On-Demand stimulation.

Using most popular platforms to reach your audience

Use The Most Popular Platforms To Reach Your Audience